Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ignorance is obviously bliss

In a recent article in New Scientist and posted on The Reason, two very ignorant foundations are battling for, well lets see...Ok, battling for whose nonscientific dogma is better.

In one corner we have Francis Collins, the guy who ran the Human Genome Project and who is also a god believing fundi nut. With such scientific credentials as his, you would think that reason would have won; but not in his case. With that noted, it must also be said and here comes the shocker, he is also a proponent of Evolution. I know, I Evangelical who is against the fact of Evolution; I was taken aback the first time I read it to; Nah, just kidding.

But Mr. Collins and his fellow invisible friend supporters seem to be coming to terms with the fact that when one has the empirical evidence to support their claims; in this case Evolution and the other is left holding up a hypothesis on popsicle sticks and desert dogma, well then what else is there to do besides acknowledging in their fundi nut way that "that faith and science need not be at odds".

In a way, it is a nod to defeat, but not completely. You see, he is pushing a new line of creationist bullshit; which he calls "“theistic evolution”. It is the idea that god moves Evolution and created life through it. Not exactly the all knowing and all powerful deity is it? To me, this shows weakness and removes the all powerful all knowingness from their friend. I mean, if you control every aspect of the universe, then why the need for Evolution? You could just make shit appear from nothing because you would obviously have the power to manipulate atoms and we all know that atoms are everything.

Mr. Collin's 'hypothesis' is just the usual denial of empirical facts regarding Evolution, self induced ignorance.

In the other corner is the infamous shit stirring Discovery Institute. You know, that organization that waste time an energy for the advancement of stupidity. These neanderthals have launched a new crap site called: Faith and Evolution. Too my surprise those morons have maintained their position that Evolution and religion are NOT compatible..what a shocker.

It matters not to me that their is a pocket of diluted fools who cuddle their bronze age desert dogma like a security blanket. What matters to me, is that their dark age 'logic'(if you can call it that) to support their creationist bullshit is not allowed to plague proper Science Education and research.

The Discovery Institute wants to replace Science with their invisible creator friend hypothesis. That is correct, they want to remove all that we have learned and replace it with this bible rubbish and superstitious nonsense. Have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? That is what the world would look like if that was to happen; Horrifying to say the least.

In closing, Mr. Collins funding for his Boilogos comes from the devil him self, The Templeton Foundation. I have no fear that the majority of real Scientist will look upon these creationist hypothesis with a giggle and no matter how the creationist wrap their shit, it will be called out and rejected.

We have the fossils, we have Lucy and now we have Ida...creationist have a book written by who knows along with a few manipulated scientific theories and some word twisting; that is it. Still they believe they have their "Ah HA!" hypothesis. In reality, it is just creationist deception of the public, lying in order to support their agenda of lowering IQs world wide and to have people believe things without evidence, to just take things on 'Faith'.

The more ignorant people are, the more likely they will buy the creationist bullshit. But as always, the Empirical Evidence will always win over religious rhetoric bullshit.