Monday, April 13, 2009

Atheism by definition.

What is Atheism? Well, a good definition can be found at:

Their is also lots of other handy information on Freethoughtpedia.
Lots of handy tools to work with when confronted with a fundi nutter, the creationist or the flatworlder who can not seem to understand that empirical evidence trumps all.

No matter how much they believe the contrary, the evidence wins every time. No silly banana notion is going to change the fact that the fossils prove evolution as a fact and not a mere 'theory' as the general public defines the term.

As I have read somewhere before: 'We have the fossils, we win.'

So use the Freethoughtpedia tool wisely and continue to counter bronze age superstitious nonsense with reason.

And remember, no matter how much the religious folk argue for their claims, they have ZERO evidence and they never will have any evidence.

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