Monday, April 13, 2009

illogic and no evidence to boot.

While I was searching for pics to ad to my new blog, I come across some of the most absurd bullshit regarding Atheism and ones feeble attempt at painting non-belief in invisible friends and bronze age desert dogma as mass murderers, violent and irrational.

If there ever was a historical record of Atheist bloodshed, like that of religions brutal blood bath of a past, I am sure we would be more than willing to admit it since the evidence was there. However, there is no evidence at all to support the ridiculous notion that Atheism has a violent past. The actuation was made on a blog that I am not going to name here, but here are some of the content:

  • While atheists are quite understandably reluctant to embrace "their" responsibility for the mass murders committed by their godless brethren...
  • But with regards to the mass slaughters of the previous century, there is simply no way to escape the established fact that individual atheists have been among mankind's very worst killers.
  • he significant question has never been if atheism causes political leaders to kill in large quantities, it is why political leaders who happen to be atheist have been inordinately inclined to kill in large quantities.
  • the fact that atheists who have committed great historical crimes are almost exclusively left-wing atheists with utopian visions of restructuring human society.
  • This is why atheists like Bertrand Russell, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and especially Michel Onfray are far more dangerous than those more akin to Daniel Dennett and even Richard Dawkins.
I must say, with all that drivel you would think that those opinions would have some evidence to give them some weight. As is common with such trite and accusations, there is NEVER any evidence to support them, just half assed opinions void of any content support at all.

What they are trying to convey is that some of the worlds most tyrannical leaders were Atheist, which is simply false. Hitler was raised in the Catholic Church and still to this day has not been excommunicated, Stalin was a Orthodox Catholic and Mussolini was also a Catholic. Pol Pot was not an Atheist either. What Stalin, Mussolini and Pol Pot have in common is Communism; as it was invoked by them, their desire was to be Godlike and to be looked upon as such. This does not indicate Atheism, this shows a deeper need to take the place of supreme creator/provider.

Hitler was not an Atheist, be too wanted to be godlike and worshiped as a the liberator, the one who was going to save the Germans from those evil Jews. The Catholic Church at the time was more then happy to turn in their Jewish neighbors to the Reich and turned a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Nazis to not only the Jews, but everyone else the perceived as non Aryan.

So the ridiculous idea that Atheism has a just a violent of a past as religion is utter nonsense. When such accusations come up, it better have some evidence to go with it.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" Carl Sagan

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